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Extend the work environment of your employees by giving them access to more than
50 coworkings across Belgium

Keep budget under control with Xwork's transparant pay-as-you-use credit system

Manage permissions & receive a clear overview of where your employees are working


Pay as you use

An intuitive application allowing your employees to easily book flex desks or meeting rooms within a post-paid system in which you pay according to your actual usage

Nationwide network

A network of over 50 inspiring and collaborative workspaces located where your employees live


Flex desks


Meeting rooms

Get started in 4 easy steps…

Create a free account
Explore the coworking offering and select where your employees are allowed to book
Invite your employees and allocate credits
Employees can start booking in the selected coworkings. You pay only for what they actually book

Discover how employees of Belgium's 10 biggest companies rated Xwork

Desired by companies
and employees

Xwork is an innovative app that groups 50+ coworking spaces in Belgium. These top class coworking spaces meet the security and comfort requirements of large companies. Their geographical coverage has been carefully evaluated so that your employees can limit their travel time to less than 30 minutes per day.
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Motivate your employees

Your employees' expectations have changed. So has their way of working. Limit their travel time. Encourage their engagement. And give them a framework to better balance their work and personal lives.


A study shows that one out of seven Belgian workers suffer from burn-out, due to being constantly available for their employer. And only 3% of employees say they want to return to the office full-time. If you want to remain an attractive company, you should take their needs into account!

Optimize your costs

With the rise of hybrid working, office space is often out of sync and companies face excessive fixed costs.


With Xwork, you determine which employees can visit our coworking spaces, according to your criteria and with the desired frequency. Our solution meets the standards and management processes of companies and (para)public organizations.


You are guaranteed that the allocated budget is never exceeded and that you pay the right price (pay-as-you-use). Invoicing for services is done in arrears. There is no requirement for volume or duration.


How Xwork simplifies the way companies work


Valuable for your HR team

Your HR team can see the bookings of your teams and employees in real-time. You can instantly see how your employees organize their remote work.

Beneficial for your Finance department

Finance departments receive one single periodical invoice, which contains an overview of all shared workspaces and services booked by their employees. This allows them to have an accurate and predictable picture of the expenditure per cost center and of their needs for office spaces.

Xwork takes care of the PO generation of the variable costs and details the invoice per cost center for easy and relevant cost allocation.

Find out how Xwork can improve your team's work organization and boost efficiency. Try working in coworking spaces now without any commitment!

Try out coworking

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