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Coworking partners

Become part of Xwork's coworking network


Why become part of the Xwork network?


Booking volume

Increase your revenue in a sustainable way, by adding Flex volume to your traditional Fix revenue. Xwork aims to work with over 100 companies with more than 100 employees within 2 years. These corporate customers require an optimal geographical coverage, with coworking spaces located close to where their employees live.


Join the Xwork network now and become the preferred coworking space for this new clientele!


By being listed in our national (and later international) application, you develop your reputation among companies and their employees. The coworking spaces which are part of the Xwork network will quickly become the reference in a fast-growing and very competitive market.



Hybrid work is currently the focus of much attention. The goal? To give employees the freedom to work at the office, at home or in a third place, depending on the type of tasks to be performed.


In this context, shared workspaces could become the preferred solution for the future. To do so, they must emerge as a place of absolute trust. 


Xwork intends to be the legitimate partner of the best coworking spaces. We want to connect with companies in a sustainable and responsible way. We want to convince them that all safety and comfort standards are met. In each of our actions, we are determined to promote this new standard of work.

Get started in 5 easy steps

Onboarding to the Xwork platform
Import or add your coworking spaces & meeting rooms
Manage the availability of flex desks (day passes) and meeting rooms
Welcome the Xwork members to your locations
Bill Xwork each month based on the bookings made via the Xwork platform

Integrate with the tools you use

Xwork seamlessly integrates with the way you work today.
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Let's talk about it

If you wish to join the Xwork network, do not hesitate to contact us!
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