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GDPR & Privacy Policy

This privacy policy informs you of how Xwork collects, uses, and protects your
personal information that you submit through

Party responsible for processing personal data

Your personal data is processed by the company Xwork NV whose headoffice is
located at:

Xwork NV
Address: Avenue Louise 523 - 1050 Brussels (Belgium)
CBE: 0771.830.384 - VAT: BE0771.830.384

Purposes of the collection of personal data

Xwork can process your personal data for the following purposes:
Xwork records the data of its customers and suppliers, in particular when requesting an offer, ordering or purchasing. This is generally the name of the person, his address, the company or organization to which he belongs, his telephone number and/or his e-mail address, his preferred language and his function. The collection of this personal data is necessary for the execution of contracts with customers and suppliers and for the justified interests of Xwork. It is essential for Xwork to know a minimum about the people it works with and comes into contact with, even if it is only to respond to their requests, keep them informed about Xwork's activities, products and services, correspond with them, verify their authorized access during subsequent visits to the Xwork platform, compile statistics and conduct targeted communications to improve customer service.

The recipients of your personal data

Your personal data will be kept by Xwork. However, they are also likely to be disclosed to employees of our company or to service providers only at our request, according to our instructions and excluding any other use.

Xwork does not sell its databases to third parties for personal use.

The hosting of your personal data

Your personal data will be kept by Xwork. However, they are also likely to be disclosed to employees of our company or to service providers only at our request, according to our instructions and excluding any other use. Xwork does not sell its databases to third parties for personal use.

The retention period and the deletion of your personal data

The personal data collected are kept for the time necessary to achieve the objectives. Once the objectives have been achieved, they are deleted or anonymised.

The protection of your personal data

Xwork is committed to protect your personal data against unauthorized access and manipulation, through organizational and technical measures. Your personal data will be treated confidentially by the authorized persons and only for the purpose of achieving the required goal.

However, keep in mind that the risks of personal data leaks and breaches are real these days.

In the event of an accidental or malicious leak, and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), Xwork will immediately report the problem directly to the Data Protection Authority.



Usage of Google API services (for Coworkings)


As a Coworking admin, you have the option to link meeting room availability to a Google Calendar by linking your Google account. When linking your Google account, we ask permission to view your calendars, as well as create, read, change and delete events. The former is needed to show you a list of all possible calendars to link meeting room availability, the latter is needed to sync our in app meeting room availability system with the Google Calendar. Except for the fact that there is a link setup between Xwork and your Google Account, no Google account data is saved directly in our database.

Your rights with regard to your personal data

Your consent is systematically obtained through your compliance with Xwork's general terms and conditions, and more specifically with this "data protection" policy. Notwithstanding this consent, you have certain rights at all times:

• Right to erase your data
• Right to transfer your data
• Right to access your data
• Right to rectification of your data
• Right to limit the processing of your data
• Right of objection

In accordance with Article 12 of the AVG, to exercise your rights you must contact the entity responsible for processing your personal data in writing, electronically or orally.

A copy of your identity card is also necessary but will not be valid orally. From the date of receipt of your request, the data controller must notify you of the action taken on your case within a maximum of one month. Please note that in some cases where the request is more complex, the response time may be up to three months. If the latter situation occurs, you should be informed and the data controller should also provide you with the reasons for this extension.

In the event that the entity responsible for processing your personal data does not respond to your request, it must inform you within a period of one month from receipt of your request and provide you with the reasons for the refusal.

You then have the option of taking legal action by filing a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (AP) in Belgium.

Data Protection Authority
Address: Drukpersstraat 35 - 1000 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32(0)
Fax: +32(0)

Cookie policy

This website uses cookies. This cookie policy informs you about their operation,
their usefulness and the tools used to configure them.

A cookie: what is it?

A cookie is a text file that is placed on your computer, mobile phone or tablet and stored when you visit a website. Cookies record information about your use of the website, such as the language in which you visit the site. Cookies therefore make it possible to recognize a user and his preferences when he returns to a website.

Please note that cookies do not identify you personally.

Why do we use cookies?

Xwork NV uses cookies to optimize your surfing comfort and to offer you an optimal user experience, in accordance with your personal preferences. Cookies also help to secure your personal data.

What cookies do we use?

Different types of cookies are used on our website; these cookies cannot be deactivated, otherwise you will not be able to access our website.

These cookies allow you to use the main functions of the site. These cookies facilitate navigation and are essential for the proper functioning of the website.

Third party cookies

They are essentially statistical analysis cookies that collect navigational information on our website to improve your ease of use and tailor our services to your preferences.

They are also advertising cookies that tend to personalize and/or improve content and navigation by offering you services that may be of interest to you from other websites.

All information is collected anonymously.

How to deactivate cookies?

As a user, you are at all times free to modify the types of cookies you allow on this site.

You can also configure these cookies in your browser by following the links below:

• Google Chrome:
• Internet Explorer: internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies

• FireFox: volgen-firefox-desktop
• Safari (iOS):
• Safari (macOS):

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